Saturday 27 August 2011

PSN Online Gaming to return "within the next couple of days"?

Original article

May 10th, 2011 at 12:05 pm
A "trusted Eurogamer source" has stated that Sony plans to have online matchmaking recommence "within the next couple of days", as the first part of the PSN service to roll back out.

Upon questioning SCE Corporate Communications Director Patrick Seybold commented "We're working to get the network back on as soon as we can" neither denying nor confirming the imminent reappearance of online play.  Bloomberg reported yesterday that Sony spokesman Shigenori Yoshida said that Sony was planning to have the PSN service fully rolled out by May 31st.

PlayStation Europe community manager also stated via Twitter that Sony is working towards restoring all PlayStation Network services by May 31, adding that online gaming will return a little earlier.

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