Saturday 27 August 2011

PSN back soon, but for how long?

Original article

May 6th, 2011 at 3:29 pm
PSN users worldwide may be about to have their patience rewarded, however Sony are wary of further attacks to the service.

Sony have indicated that PSN is in the final stages of testing before coming back online, apparently rebuilt, although they have given no specific date for the service to return.

Sony stated:
"Today our global network and security teams at Sony Network Entertainment and Sony Computer Entertainment began the final stages of internal testing of the new system, an important step towards restoring PlayStation Network and Qriocity services,"

"As previously mentioned, we’ve been working around the clock to rebuild the network and enhance protections of your personal data. It’s our top priority to ensure your data is safe when you begin using the services again.

"We understand that many of you are eager to again enjoy the PlayStation Network and Qriocity entertainment services that you love, so we wanted you to be aware of this milestone and our progress. We will provide additional updates as soon as we can."
Soon after came the worrying news relayed by CNET that chatter on the IRC channel used by hackers suggested that another attack is planned on PSN this weekend.

Hopefully Sony's "rebuilt" service will be a little bit more resilient to these attacks than it has been over the past couple of months.

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