Saturday 27 August 2011

L.A. Noire coming to the 360 on three discs

Original article

May 6th, 2011 at 4:01 pm
The age of the Xbox 360 hardware is beginning to show, as reports from Rockstar tell us that the Xbox 360 version of L.A. Noire will come on three discs while the PS3 version will come on a single Blu-ray.

A representative of Rockstar told Kotaku:
“L.A. Noire was always going to be a massive game, from the size and detail of the world to the length of the cases, and of course, the sheer amount of MotionScan data required for the faces of over 400 actors in-game,” said Rockstar’s Jeronimo Barrera “To tell the story and make the game we wanted to make, we knew that it was going to take an entire single layer Blu-ray disc and three Xbox discs.”

“Since the game is built around the concept of progressing through individual cases from desk to desk, players on Xbox will find disc-swapping is hassle-free. In fact, players will only need to swap discs twice at natural breaks between cases without interrupting the flow of the game.”
This really does highlight the biggest difference between the Xbox 360 and PS3: Storage space.  Perhaps the new disc format Microsoft are testing just now will go some way to resolving issues like this but, with this game coming in at around 25gb and games growing in size all the time, it seems unlikely.

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