Wednesday 11 August 2010

Someone to watch over me...

When it comes to games, I'm never one to go it alone. If I'm not surrounded on all sides by 10 of my closest friends (or complete strangers) then I'm a dead man. I don't know what it is about free-for-all play that I just can't do.

I remember the good old days before I knew how to work network settings, when I used to spend hours fighting bots in Unreal Tournament. Working with or on whichever new mods I'd found, I always came out on top. The funny thing is, I always played free-for-all and I ALWAYS won. So what's changed?
While it is true that there is no Redeemer in Modern Warfare 2, that's not really an excuse. I used to sit for hours playing against 64 bots on the smallest map (the name of which escapes me) mutated with InstaGib and I'd slaughter my way to victory every time. If you put me in a free-for-all with a measly two people on Modern Warfare 2 generally I spend more time dead than alive. I can't do it. It's a little difficult to concentrate on stealth when all I want to do is push an armed rocket down the throat of my enemy (who is usually my friend) and teabag their corpse.

I'm thinking that maybe I lack the subtlety that is required for free-for-all. I didn't even start using the ninja perk until I was told exactly what it does and why it's helpful. I'm more at home on a changing, back and forth front line. I need green zones and red zones. I need to be able to hear gunfire in the distance that ISN’T directed at me. I need to be part of something bigger than myself! I find hoofing it over terrain towards a raging battle far more exhilarating than creeping round a corner in an urban setting, waiting for some poor sod to make a stupid mistake. It’s not that I’m afraid of dying in a videogame and want others to do it for me. The enemy position is impenetrable? They have heavy machineguns, tanks and Helos? You want me to lead the charge? Alright fine, just let me get my rocket launcher and let’s not forget; I am not going in on my own.

I want people to work in unison with me!

Give me 11 teammates and 12 enemies, set me up with things to fight over and watch me flourish, or watch me mine roads and wait for tanks to run over them. Either way is good.


  1. As if you need teammates. I've seen you take on a bajillion zombies using nothing but a guitar, a car and that loud, annoying voice of yours.
