Monday 23 August 2010

Six Digited Freaks

I have weird shaped hands.  You see, I was born with 2 extra thumbs, one on each hand.  They were removed when I was about 6 months old, but they still have affected the growth of my hands.  My thumbs face a different direction than most people’s thumbs do and sometimes I think it has a negative effect on my dexterity.  I’m not about to say that the only reason I ever lose at games is because my hands are a weird shape, but sometimes I just feel I don’t have the spot-on execution that I could have.
My hand is on the left.  My thumb is more of a finger.
It’s a bother when playing guitar, too.  If you watch a guitarist with normal thumbs you can see the difference next to mine.  It gets sore and that’s a damn shame because I could play guitar for hours.
My point though is that Street Fighter is hard when you’re using a controller that is designed for a certain type of thumb that you don’t have.  Perhaps I should buy an arcade stick and it would sort out my troubles.
I haven’t given up and I still am a dangerous opponent in Street Fighter.  I’ll kick your arse (probably) but I just can’t help feeling that I could be better.  Maybe there are many with this type of problem.  Ever feel your hands mashing the controller when the signals you have sent were very clear?  Ever tell Ryu to Shoryuken and find him firing off his ultra, or super combo?  This sounds similar to the troubles I sometimes have, do not dispair brothers and sisters, for we shall become the change we wish to see in this world.

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