Friday 13 August 2010

Limited Extremism (ME2 Spoilers)

Playing through Mass Effect 2 again recently, reminded me how much I love that game.  The choices really bring it to life.  I originally played the game through on the PC, but I hadn't completed the original on the PC, I had completed it on the Xbox, so I had to go with all the assumed decisions with a brand new character.  This time, however, I have it on the Xbox and was astounded at how vastly different the universe is in my Xbox playthrough.  The council is alive, Wrex is alive, the woman cloned by the Thorian came and thanked me for saving her and sparing everyone in the colony.  Vastly different.

However those aren't the choices I'm thinking about right now.  This recent playthrough has brought my attention to those interruption moments during conversation in the game.  I'm wondering "Why is there only ever one choice in interruption?"  Perhaps I want to shoot that cheeky Batarian instead of healing him.  Not saying I want to kill sick beings but the choice would be expedient.  Or when stopping Garrus from killing Harkin, the choice is let him kill Harkin, or let Harkin live.  What about a renegade interrupt where Shephard shoots Harkin with a clear head, free of thoughts of vengeance so that Garrus wont be trapped by his own?
A different choice of shades, for example.

Further than that, Fallout 3 gave you the choice to pretty much kill anything or anyone and the game would still continue.  They made allowances for this by foreseeing anything that the player MIGHT do.

For example, the sheriff of Megaton wants you to disarm the bomb, but if he dies his son takes his place as sheriff and will reward you himself when you disarm it.  There have been many characters in Mass Effect 2 that I've wanted to blow away after the first line of conversation.  That Krogan voiced by Worf, for example, could've done with a good shooting.

Maybe I'm being picky or entitled but I just wish we'd have more choices.

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