Wednesday 11 August 2010

Getting in to the jam...

Recently I've been making myself really get in to my games when I'm playing them.  Running head first into an enemy squad holding a live grenade is much more fun when you let loose a bestial roar when you're doing it.  It started a few weeks ago while playing Gears of War 2 with the Ready Up troupe.

I had just spawned, and I could hear a battle raging close by so I ran in its direction.  When I arrived all I found were pieces of mixed body parts, locust and human.  I recognised one of them, and it was still breathing.  It was one of my internet pals, the only survivor of that battle and unfortunately she happened to be my enemy in this instance.  I knew right then what I had to do.  Chainsaw in hand I nonchalantly swaggered up to my prone pal and began carving.  Letting rip the most horrendously devious evil laugh I've ever managed.

It felt good.

Since that moment I've been augmenting my games time with my own personal feelings in grunt/scream/roar form.  I tell you the truth it really adds to the experience, especially when the people you're roaring/screaming/grunting at can hear you doing it.

I like to think it has a negative effect on enemy morale, but it's probably much more likely to have a muting effect on my Xbox Live chat.

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