Wednesday 18 August 2010

Gamers Just (Don't) Wanna Have Fun.

There's a plague on my beloved online gaming.  The fetid stench of exploitation is in my nostrils and I feel a bile-permeated vomit-spray coming on.

When did we forget about fun?  When did online gaming become about stat padding?  When did winning become more important than putting up a good sporting fight?  Perhaps it's a little British of me but I can't understand why someone would forego taking part in a fair and balanced game, in order to win through cheap tactics.
Tank?  Cheap?  Rush?  You win the game.

My new found love, Bad Company 2 has become overrun with cheap, slimy scumbags.  I can't play through a single round without at least one person hogging a tank in Rush and shooting the objectives from their/our spawn.  I saw a man literally firing through a wall that covered his whole person (geometry fail).  I played hardcore conquest the other day and 5 out of 7 of the enemy team played recon and sat in their base sniping at us.  We took the win, but it's miserable spending so much of your time dead.

Brings me back to my thoughts of fair play.  All the exploits in the world just take away from the game.  If you want to use broken or ill-executed parts of a game to win then you do realise that you're partially ruining it for your opponents?  The same goes for modders.  Sure you get a ton of kills with your wallhack or your aimbot, but you lose the respect of everyone who encounters you.  In fact you gather distaste.

There should be an elaborate way to name and shame these people.  I have a replay saved to my Super Street Fighter IV of a textbook Ken, just in case anyone looks at my videos and watches it.  They can think alongside me "What a disgraceful display."  Perhaps a system where you can mark people on cheap play?  In games with replay systems only, of course.  You need proof of some sort or there'd be no stopping anyone from marking everyone they met as cheap.

Develop this idea somehow, games makers!

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