Friday 5 November 2010

Xbox Live Fall Update 2010 Preview

The long awaited and frankly traditional Fall update is on its way to your Xbox 360 soon,it strikes me that this would be the perfect time for a write up. If only someone would write something about this new update. Anyone know any writers who like games and technology related stuffs?

Hold on a tick, writers who like games and tech stuff? I'm a writer who likes games and tech stuff! I'll get on with it then...
Personally I'm quite looking forward to this update, Xbox Live really needs some freshening up and lovely clean looking white is just the ticket. There's a new "you've just pressed the on button" animation on the way too, it seems, and a new look for the avatars (unfortunately still standing in a rather effeminate way). I don't think many Xboxers were crying out for a full cosmetic update, but I doubt many of them will complain. This isn't just a cosmetic update however, Microsoft have thrown in a new and improved chat codec which will apparently highten fidelity in our beloved party chat and HOPEFULLY put an end to the random kicking of party members.

Sadly there doesn't look to be any further twitter or facebook integration. It seems like Microsoft have decided the only thing the Xbox needs is better chat and prettier, smoother visuals...and I have no problems with that. They've also tightened up the Games Marketplace, making it easier to find what you're looking for which is VERY welcome!

What's your take on this new Xbox Live facelift?

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