Friday 5 November 2010

Out of Reach?

Yesterday something big happened. The much anticipated Halo: Reach appeared on shop shelves everywhere. It's been selling like hot cakes on special offer in a pound shop in Afghanistan and just about every gamer in Western Society will have at least one copy*.
*excluding Deep Slovenia. And you.

That is to say ALMOST everyone. I myself am devoid of Reach. A sad story I know but life goes on. Far from this being the first time I've been without a game that all my friends have and play together, I'm getting used to it. Those of us who make regular stupid decisions will know what I mean... One number off winning the lottery? Siding with the vampires over the werewolves? THAT skirt with THOSE shoes? I feel your pain.

However, I say POO to Reach! (for now) and I implore all ye who are in my situation REJOICE for you aren't gripped and starved of every spare moment by a single video game. Let's all go to the pub, or we could take evening classes. Learn Swahili!
Hell, if you absolutely NEED to play something that feels fresh, break out your oldest console and stick on your OLDEST game. There are no more distractions now. No one inviting you to play Modern Warfare 2, nobody badgering you to join parties. Just you and your dusty old console. Maybe finish one of those RPG's you never quite got round to doing.

Alternatively you could wallow in self pity, sell an organ or whore yourself out for Firefight matches. I personally choose to LAUGH MOCKINGLY at you Reach players. You see, you've no idea what you're missing. Perfect Dark on the N64 has remote control missiles and lasers you fire from your wrist. Your. Wrist.


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