Friday 17 December 2010

Indie Reviews [26/11/10]

The Deep Cave

In Lim- I mean The Deep Cave, you play as a small boy in a bleak world consisting of platforming and...well... More platforming. Lured into this cave by a bright light, the main character Pi believes there is some sort of power at the bottom of the cave. This narrative is fed to the player through fourth wall breaking dialogue between Pi and the the supposed player (although I'm almost certain I don't talk like that). The caveat of The Deep Cave is punishing difficulty. In the first 6 levels I died around 55 times, and I know that because it tells you how many times you've died when you die. It's an aspect that makes it glaringly obvious that the whole point in The Deep Cave is hairpulling, shirt-rending difficulty and brings up memories of VVVVVV or Super Meat Boy. The music is good though, if not somewhat ill-fitting in places and the platforming is nice and precise. 80msp.


If you still enjoy the odd game of Pong you may be interested in Blur Ball. What Blur Ball essentially is, is Pong with more balls, neon visuals, varied maps or Arenas, and the ability to choose the shape of your paddle.
It's a really fun game, but unfortunately while it has AI, it doesn't have online multiplayer. 80msp.

Space Police on Superhighway 9

Space Police on SuperHighway 9 is like a mixture of Road Fighter and the racing section from Chrono Trigger. You speed up Highway 9 dodging civilian cars in pursuit of criminal cars, which you then ram until they die. These cars can also damage you depending on where you ram them. It's quite a fun little game, nice and simple. 80msp.

Monsters Elect

This is a top-down shooter much in the vein of Loaded/Reloaded. You aim with the right analogue stick and move with the left. The controls are unconventional to the point where I had to look at the control hint screen before I knew how to shoot (by pressing in the right stick).
The writing would probably be funny to a twelve year old bit it just grated on me. Not bad for the asking price, but you could do alot better. 80msp.

Table Soccer X

If you've ever played Table Football, or Foosball, you'll know what to do. This is an exact virtual recreation of a Football Table, with the struts you spin and push/pull to control your players assigned to the analogue sticks. It's enough fun and there is decent AI but without online multiplayer you'll need to have a willing friend to get the best out of this. 240msp.

Jetpack Man

Jetpack Man would be more aptly named Jet Pac-Man, or Pac-Fish. Essentially a Pacman clone (incase you didn't guess from that) where you play as a fish escaping from various dangers, which depend on what stage you're on.
In between stages there are Bible verses (don't ask me why) always to do with fish...If you can't afford Pacman Championship Edition DX then give this a shot. 80msp.

A Game You Can't BEAT

It's true that I can't beat this game but then again I wouldn't want to. You select one of three balls, you then roll through the environment toward the right of the screen and the only thing you need to do is jump over obstacles.
Of course it's a little bit more complicated than that, if you collide with anything you need to start over again. 80msp.

Valet Parking

An interesting little title. Valet Parking sets you out in the role of a a Valet, parking peoples cars for them. Cars will appear on the right side of the screen, you will then need to park them. After a while the owner will want their car back (they're handily wearing a top that's the same colour as the car), so you drive their car to the exit. Rinse, repeat. You have a stamina bar and Hunger bar, and you need to take rest breaks and lunch breaks to refill them. 80msp.

Super Janitoroid

Quite an ambitious game, Super Janitoroid tasks you with cleaning up monsters from the environment.
One of the most striking features, is that almost everything is rendered using photographs which gives the game an almost scrapbook charm. It's a shame the frame rate is heavily inconsistent. 80msp.

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